Thursday, July 30, 2015

Scent Work

by Rachel Thornton

Think of your scent work as a 3 step process:
1. Assign value to the target odor
2. Teach the dog to discriminate and show preference for that odor 
3. Add a trained indicator / build a behavior chain
I would suggest going back to step 1: Assign Value to the odor. In the phase, I would not have competing containers Make it simple. Sniff target odor = high value reward.
Only a few reps. After that, many dogs are on "auto-pilot" and aren't really "thinking" about the odor.

When your dog shows anticipatory behavior when sniffing the scent, you will know here is value. THEN, you can add a second container.

As you build success with a second container, vary the presentation:

  1. The room
  2. Your position
  3. The time of day
  4. The type of container (plastic, glass, wood, cloth)
But, remember, that ULTIMATELY, for diabetic alert, the scent will be on YOU. As often as possible, I like to point all of these activities back to having scent on person as much as possible.